
Artist Event Planner Jobs in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico at PowerBell

Title: Artist Event Planner

Company: PowerBell

Location: Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico

What does the ideal candidate look like?

An exceptionally organized, detail-oriented person, able to help manage the artist’s time and routine. Someone with excellent time management skills, a practical approach to solving the artist’s needs, a positive attitude and assertive communication skills.

The artist values honesty, trustworthiness, privacy, service attitude, proactivity and availability, as well as a neat image.


Age between 38 and 54 years old

3 to 10 years experience as a family or personal assistant

Experience in show business or events

Up to date on social, entertainment and fashion issues

24×7 availability

English is a must

Excellent presentation skills

Assertive communication

Strong organizational skills and ability to multi-task effectively

Strong ethical and professional boundaries

Strong references, both personal and from previous employers

Ability to make a commitment of at least 5 years

Driver’s license

U.S. Visa

Willingness to take confidence, polygraph and drug tests

Upload your CV/resume or any other relevant file. Max. file size: 800 MB.